It’s Our Birthday!
Believe it or not, the Waldo Historical Society will be ten years old in July this year. We think this is a great reason for a celebration, so we've decided to invite everyone to our birthday party.
WHEN: JUNE 27, 2015
TIME: 10 A.M. - 2 P.M.
Rev. Jim DuBois, Pastor of the Waldo Baptist Church, has generously allowed us the use of the Family Life Center as the place to hold our party. What would we ever do without him? He has been supporting us in so many ways since our very first Spaghetti Dinner in 2006. We owe him a lot.
So, back to the party. We’ll be serving ice cream and birthday cake, and a very special birthday punch. We plan to show you what we’ve accomplished since we got the bright idea to start this organization. It will be sort of a “Meet and Greet” affair, where you’ll get to meet the Officers and Board members of the Waldo Historical Society, and as many of our regular members as we can fit in. We’ll all have a great time getting to know each other.
There will be a Trivia Game (with prizes) to see how much you know about Waldo!
Mark the date on your calendar: June 27 at the Family Life Center of the Waldo Baptist Church. We’ll start serving at 10 am and won’t quit until it’s all gone.
If you’d like to help in any way, please give us a call. Call 468-1910, or email
The 4th Annual Waldo Historical Society Quilt Show will be held on June 8, 2013 at the Waldo Community Center. Click on the pdf file below to see the flyer, which will tell you all about it. Show runs from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. If you need more info, please call Vera Mauldin at 352-468-1554.
Quilt Show Flyer.pdf Size : 39.942 Kb Type : pdf |
Waldo Historical Society Memorial Bricks
The Waldo Historical Society is now in charge of the memorial bricks placed in Waldo’s Veteran’s Park. There are three different brick locations.
The Veteran’s bricks are at the entrance to the park and in front of the Veteran’s Memorial. The second area surrounds a tree in the park and is for remembering Waldo pioneers and residents.
The Historical Society will be starting a new area and those bricks will be placed in front of the caboose. This set of bricks will remember those who worked on the railroad in Waldo and in other areas.
If you would like to remember a veteran, a Special person or organization, or a Railroad worker please contact Fred Donaldson at 352-468-1726. Each brick costs $40. You may print the order form below and mail it with your payment to:
Waldo Historical Society
P.O. Box 459
Waldo, Florida 32694
Bricks Brochure front.pdf Size : 151.897 Kb Type : pdf |
Memorial Brick form.pdf Size : 7.504 Kb Type : pdf |
Don't miss our Third Annual Quilt show on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at the Waldo Community Center. Doors open at 10 am. Come see all the beautiful quilts on display by local quilters. There will be items for sale, as well as those to be judged.
It's not too late (June 1 deadline) to sign up to enter your hand-made quilt. Contact Vera Mauldin (352-468-1554) or for an application.
Halloween Party and Tour
October 28 - Come join us for a fun Halloween party on Friday, October 28 at the Waldo Community Center. Bring your costume (at least a mask), and try your hand at Spook-Toss, Fishing for Spooks and other fun games. Have your fortune told by our resident Gypsy, and meet Mariah the Witch and Snaggletooth, her pet broom. There is no charge for this event. We'll have treats for you and a Pumpkin-Carving contest. Bring your best pumpkin for judging Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Dracula (below) was there to ensure everyone was sufficiently scared.
Following the party, we are offering a chance to ride in our air-conditioned van to visit some of the best decorated Halloween yards in Waldo. There will be a $5.00 donation to help with the fuel. Our narrator will tell you about all the Waldo ghosts.
Waldo Historical Society
Fifth Annual Spaghetti Dinner
The Waldo Historical Society will be hosting their 5th Annual Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, September 9, 2011 at the First Waldo Baptist Church on Waldo Road, Waldo.
For a $6.00 donation (in advance or at the door) you will receive a full serving of spaghetti with meat sauce, Garden Salad, Texas Toast, a Cold Drink and Dessert.
Bring the whole family - eat in the Family Life Center or bring it home. Serving from 4 pm until 7 pm.
Proceeds from this fund raiser will be used for the renovation of a Waldo Museum.
If you need advance tickets, or just want more information, please call Penny at 352-468-1910.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Second Annual Waldo Historical Society Quilt Show
Don't miss this Quilt Show. After our learning experience last year, this year proves to be much bigger with more quilts to be judged. Refreshments will be available. Check back for more info soon. Or call Vera Mauldin at 352-468-1554.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
First Annual Waldo Historical Society Quilt Show
Our First Annual Quilt Show was a huge success. The Waldo Community Center was full from wall to wall and ceiling to floor with quilts (see photos below).
For inquiries about any of our Fund Raisers, please email
Janet Garrett - First Prize Winner - Congratulations!
Waldo Historical Society member Vera Mauldin
Rachel Ankney watching Judge Linda Lawson inspecting quilt
Judge Linda Lawson with Third Prize Winner, Mrs. Figg!
Judge Linda Lawson with Honorable Mention Winner, Betty Nipper
Second Prize Winner, Helen Davis
Everyone worked hard to make this Quilt Show a success.
Judge Linda Lawson, Quilting teacher and expert
Many of our Quilters brought items for sale as well
Betty Nipper
Spaghetti Dinner
Once each year, usually in September, and always on a Friday from 4 pm till 7 pm, we host a Spaghetti Dinner at the First Baptist Church Family Life Center on the Waldo Road in Waldo. Each year we offer a huge serving of spaghetti, garlic toast, garden salad and a drink for only a $6.00 donation. Desserts are available on a separate table with an "honor" system donation basket.Served in a take-out container so you can eat in and enjoy the ambiance of the wonderful Family Life Center, or take home a delicious hot meal for the whole family and don't bother cooking. Tickets are generally available in August from any member of the Society.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Our 2010 Spaghetti Dinner was wonderful as usual. Lots of spaghetti, garlic bread, garden salad and drinks. In spite of D.O.T. insisting we remove our banner from the median in front of the Waldo Baptist Church, we still had plenty of walk in traffic, in addition to our pre-purchased dinner tickets.
This year we had a "Spaghetti Dinner for Two" raffle, and the winning ticket was drawn at 7 pm by cook Marie Ankney. The lucky winner was Ms. Robin Keirnan of High Springs. Congratulations, Robin!
Annual Historic Calendar
Our Annual historic calendar always is in demand, not only as a calendar, but as a source of historic photos and information about Waldo, usually with a theme. This year's theme (2010) is all about the railroad, which is what helped Waldo prosper from the 1800s through the 1900s. The calendar pages are filled with birthdays of Waldo residents, and are included at no charge. The calendars are available for a $10.00 donation. If you'd like one by mail, postage is $4.00.
Our 2011 calendar is in the works, with some wonderful art work from the third grade students at Waldo Community School. They should be available by November. If you'd like to order one in advance, please call 352-468-1910, email, or send payment plus $3.00 shipping to Waldo Historical Society, P.O. Box 459, Waldo, FL 32694
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